Located smack dab in the “center” of Indianapolis, lies Center Township.
Center Township includes Downtown and part of Beech Grove and is the most populated Township in Marion County, with 3,511 people per square mile according to Town Charts.
The boundaries are the South side 38th street, the East side of Belmont Avenue, the West side of Emerson Avenue, and the North side of Troy Avenue.
As of 2016, there were 147,110 people residing here. The median household income is just $27,718 as reported by Best Places.
The median age is 33.8 with a racial makeup of 57.5% Caucasian, 34.8% African-American, and 7.4% comprised of various other ethnicities.
According to Niche, The median home value is $74,600 and the median market rent is $825.
59% of the population rent versus 41% who own their home.
Center Township is very unique in the fact that it covers a broad spectrum. Some of the best real estate in Indiana is located here, but so is some of the worst.
Example: The most expensive single family residence to ever sell in our local MLS system ($4.8M in 2016) is located in Center Township. By contrast, some of the cheapest real estate – we’re talking less than $1,000 cheap – has also been sold in Center Township.
As you might have guessed, some of the oldest real estate in Indiana still exists in Center Township. However, several years ago, a building resurgence occurred and continues today, particularly in the outlying neighborhoods outside of the immediate downtown area.
This mass gentrification has made some sections of Center Township very desirable for young people, families and, more recently, retirees who are looking to downsize and crave walkability.
Center Township Zip Codes
- 46107
- 46201
- 46202
- 46203
- 46204
- 46205
- 46208
- 46218
- 46219
- 46221
- 46222
- 46225
Center Township Neighborhoods
- Downtown
- Fairgrounds
- Fountain Square
- Garfield Park
- Mapleton-Fall Creek
- Martindale-Brightwood
- Maywood
- Near Eastside
- Bates-Hendricks
- Herron Morton
- Old Northside
- Little Flower
- Tuxedo Park
- Fountain Square
Examples of Homes T&H Manages in Center Township
This is a beautiful home we manage near the Herron-Morton neighborhood in Center Township.
We currently have this 4 bed/3 bath property leased at $2,600/month which is obviously on the high end of rentals in the township.
This cute 3 bed/2 bath property is located near the Little Flower and Tuxedo Park neighborhoods and is leased at $885/month.
This area of Center Township is still fairly spotty, but getting better all the time.
Center Township Schools
Center Township does not have its own Metropolitan school district. Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) is the main system in the Township along with Beech Grove public schools.
IPS is not very highly regarded with an overall grade of C-.
By contrast, one of the best public High Schools in Indiana, and for the Country that matter, is Herron-Morton High School, which is located in Center Township.
There are 30,946 students in the district with a student-teacher ratio of 15-1 with an average graduation rate of 74%.
Out of 293 schools in the state, it’s ranked 16th for most diverse and 88th for best district.
Center Township Crime Rates
Best Places reports violent crimes rates of 47.7 and property crime rates of 80.5 on a scale of 1-100 with 1 being low crime and 100 being high crime.
You have to be extremely smart and selective when shopping for rental property in Center Township.
Prices can vary drastically within just a few blocks.
So, when someone says, “I have a great little 3 bedroom near Fountain Square… be certain you understand exactly how near Fountain Square the home is.
It’s easy to get lured in by extremely low price points. Resist the temptation, because if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.