Even in the best of circumstances, being a Landlord can be frustrating at times.
But, there’s probably nothing more discouraging than having lost trust in your Indianapolis Property Manager.
We understand. We’re not the right fit for all Landlords, and you may not be the right fit for your current Property Manager.
There are many reasons investors become disgruntled with their Property Manager, including:
- Lack of communication
- Lack of transparency
- Lack of quality Tenants
- Lack of accountability
But, there is hope. There are good, quality management companies out there who can provide great service.
Click on any of the options to read more about each topic!
Table of Contents
Quality Property Management Is Just A Click Away!
When Should I Fire My Property Manager?
We take a lot of phone calls from Indianapolis real estate investors that tell us a similar story. It goes something like this…
“Hello, my name is Joe Investor and I own some rental properties in Indianapolis. I’m just really frustrated with my current Property Manager and I’m exploring my options.”
In response, we generally follow up with the same question each time…
So, specifically, why aren’t you happy with your current management company?”
As you might imagine, we’ve heard A LOT of different scenarios. Some of the reasons aren’t very legitimate. For example, I’ve had many people complain about what seem to be very legitimate repairs, completed at very legitimate costs. In those cases, I’m honest and say, “I’m not sure we’re going to provide a different outcome for you. Maybe self-managing is your best way to go.”
But, there are a few different answers we hear most often concerning why investors are upset with their management company. And these reasons, we feel, are definite reasons to fire your property manager.
Finding Quality Property Management In Indianapolis
So, you are in the market for a new Property Manager.
This is an important decision for you.
You’ve already been burned once, and you obviously don’t want to make the same mistake.
Shopping for a Property Management company should require some work on your part. After all, you are turning over the keys – literally – to one of the biggest assets you own. If you turn those keys over to a property manager that’s ill-equipped to manage your home, well, you already know what can happen.
Lots of headaches and frustration to say the least.
No Property Managers are alike. We all have our differentiating factors – or at least should have differentiating factors – that, if you research long enough, will align with your own specific needs and wants.
Navigating Indianapolis Property Management Reviews
There are no household names in the world of Property Management.
Anyone could rattle off a list of car manufacturers, television brands, or even local real estate companies.
But, Property Management is different.
And that can make finding a quality Property Management company difficult.
If you are like most people, unless you receive a trusted referral, you’ll take to the internet to learn about different Property Management companies, paying special attention to not only fees and services, but also to online reviews.
Reviews matter.
They absolutely sway opinions.
But they can also be confusing.
And yes, they can also be fake.
Property Managers are particularly susceptible to bad reviews. We have two different sets of customers (Owners and Tenants) that can sometimes have opposite goals. So, when a difficult situation arises, an eviction, for example, at least one, if not both parties, can become upset.
And some of these people are perfectly willing to share and even embellish the bad experience with the world. Because, as we all know, people are much more willing to share a bad experience than to share a good experience.
Why Choose a Local VS. National Property Management Company?
Residential Property Management is consolidating and is, generally, getting more professional.
While there remain lots and lots of the classic Ma and Pops out there managing homes, Corporate America has taken a definite interest in our industry.
And, more importantly, Corporate America has entered markets offering a national presence.
It’s hard to tell, exactly, how things will progress from here, but the corporate trend has started.
And if you are an investor who uses a 3rd party property management company, you need to understand what location this means to you and your investment.
For many years now, Indianapolis has been viewed as a hotbed for rental real estate investment.
We’ve seen very large companies come to our City and invest many millions of dollars on single family homes. America Homes for Rent, which reportedly bought more than 3,000 homes in Central Indiana, is probably the biggest example.
In the case of AH4R, they self-manage all their properties… at least in Indianapolis.
And we’ve also seen a large number of smaller investors enter our market as well – most of which are in need of a Property Manager.
All of this, as you might guess, has lead to an explosion of new Property Management Companies in Central Indiana… most of which are local, but some of which are not.
Top Property Management Companies in Indianapolis
At T&H Realty Services, we’re all about educating.
If you spend any time on our website, you’ll realize that we work hard to be transparent and open about not only our pricing, but also about our processes and philosophy on running a successful property management company.
And we also don’t shy away from our competition.
In fact, we embrace them.
And when we’re not the right fit for someone, we happily refer prospective Clients to various property managers in Indianapolis.
Property Management Fees: Why Cheaper Isn't Always Better
If you’ve ever hired an Indianapolis Property Management company, or if you’re currently in the process of researching some, you’ve most likely noticed fees for property management differ.
Some differ greatly.
When you’re trying to make the numbers work and see positive cash flow, it can be tempting to go with a cheaper option.
We get that.
While from a top-level view we all appear to solve the same problem, we oftentimes solve those problems in very different ways.
And, it’s clear, from speaking with some of our Clients, that some companies don’t solve those problem at all.
In fact, they create new problems, which is never good.
The old adage, “you get what you pay for,” probably rings truer for property management than most other services or products.