Moving on down to the south central part of Marion County, we have Perry Township, a popular location due to its’ close proximity to downtown Indianapolis.
Settled in 1822, it was named after Oliver Hazard Perry, a hero from the War of 1812.
Niche gives Perry Township schools an overall grade of B+. With a student population between PK-12 of 16,195, the student-teacher ratio is 20-1 and they spend an estimated $11,553 per student compared to the national average of $12,239.
It’s ranked 67 out of 291 for best schools in the state and 3rd for most diverse.
According to BestPlaces, the violent crime rate in Perry Township is 37 on a scale from 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime) and the property crime is ranked at a 70.1.
According to Census Reporter, the population was 114,519 as of 2017 with a median age of 35.9.
There’s a very even split between males and females, but an overwhelming 77% of the population is Caucasian.
The median household income is $49,693 and 17% of the population lives below the poverty line compared to the entire state which is 13.5%.
Census Reporter also states that 93% of housing units are occupied in Perry Township and 59% of housing units are owner occupied.
According to MLS data, of the 1,579 homes that were sold in the last year, the median sales price was $154,000.
Of the 208 homes that were leased, the median rental amount was $1,195.
Perry Township is also home to the University of Indianapolis.
One huge perk is that the University of Indianapolis has very little student housing, so many are forced to find single family homes to rent in the surrounding areas.
With fairly high property crime rates and lower income individuals, there is obviously some inherent risk but you actually have the opportunity to find cash flowing investments and decently low vacancy which cannot be said for all areas of Indianapolis.
T&H Realty is working with Owner Clients to add Perry Township rental properties to their portfolios. If you are interested in finding properties in that area, our brokerage would be more than happy to help you purchase a property.
T&H Realty Services is a full-service, residential Property Management company located in Indianapolis, IN.