When searching for available homes for rent on our website, you may notice that there are several different buttons to choose from on each property listing. We realize this can be somewhat confusing and you may not know which option to choose.
Below we will explain each option and what you need to do to successfully view or apply for a home.
- This button will open up a dropdown with all of the property details and photos. Here you can see all of the information about the home that you would need to know.
Submit an Application:
- This button is used to start your rental application. When you click it, the app for the home you selected will open in a new window. Follow all of the instructions and fill out the required information before submitting it to us for review.
Schedule Viewing:
- This button appears to the right of the property address on the rental listings page. For your convenience, many of our rental homes are self-showing meaning you can view the property when it works best for you.
- When you click “Schedule Viewing” you will be prompted to create an account with Tenant Turner, our self-showing service provider. Complete all of the steps to register including providing a government-issued ID.
- After completing all necessary steps, you will be given a code to enter the home. This code is only good for two hours.
Pending Properties:
- If there is no button below the property address and the “Apply Now” button doesn’t appear, this means that there is an application pending on that particular home and it will most likely be leased so it is not available for showings or additional applications.
Wait List Properties:
- If the property listing says “Wait List” and does not list a future date, that means we do not you know when the home will be available for showings and applications. You can register for the wait list through TenantTurner.com to be notified as soon as it’s available.
- If there is a future availability date, it means the home is not open for showings or application until then. Please note: These dates are tentative and subject to change. You can also register yourself for the wait list to be notified when these properties will be open for showings and applications through TenantTurner.com.
Call us at 317-255-7767 or Email us at leasing@threaltyinc.com!