In general, we don’t recommend our Client’s purchase home warranties.
You can learn more about why at the link below:
However, we understand that sometimes a warranty may already be in place when you sign up with us, and so we’ve put processes in place to work with these companies as best we can.
Please take a few minutes to read through our Home Warranty Policy:
- In order for us to work with your Home Warranty company, you must email us a copy of the policy, along with the contact information needed for submitting claims.
- T&H Realty Services agrees to utilize an Owner’s Home Warranty for any repair that the we deem necessary and applicable to be best handled by a Home Warranty Company.
- As the Owner, you agree to compensate T&H Realty Services for coordinating the maintenance with the Home Warranty Company at our customary hourly rates, one-hour minimum per occurrence, which will be billed to your account.
- T&H Realty Services may override this agreement and utilize our normal maintenance protocols if your Home Warranty Company fails to respond in a timely manner, fails to satisfactorily complete the repair, or in certain emergency situations that threaten the Tenant or Premises.
If you have any questions in regards to our Home Warranty Policy, please feel free to contact us via the form on our Contact Page or call us at 317-255-7767.